Ukrainian Heritage Digitization and Dissemination Initiative
The “Ukrainian Heritage Digitization and Dissemination Initiative” is a joint international project by “Archaic” and CyArk, serving as a natural continuation of the “Preserving Ukrainian Legacy” initiative in 2024–2025. This project aims to protect and promote Ukraine’s cultural heritage through innovative digital technologies. Supported by the U.S. Embassy Fund Program, UHDDI provides training, 3D equipment, and methodological resources to three Ukrainian institutions: the Odesa Archaeological Museum, the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine, and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. By bringing together institutions with diverse profiles, the initiative fosters cross-sectoral collaboration for improving cultural heritage protection during war and peace. Through the involvement of various institutions, the project aspires to create new models for interaction among the Ukrainian cultural heritage protection specialists from different sectors.