Our team

PhD. An archaeologist and museologist with over 15 years of experience in the field.
Turin, Italy

PhD. Geoinformatician, archaeologist, literary scholar. Expert in photogrammetry and digital technologies in archaeology. Co-author of the Archaic projects.
Stavanger, Norway.

Archaeologist, photographer and historian. Researcher at "Khortytsia" National Reserve. Prizewinner of numerous competitions in scientific and artistic photography. Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Project manager, marketologist and historian. Author
and co-author of the numerous communicational successes of Archaic and other projects
Kyiv, Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandra Ivanova
PhD student in Archaeology at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Historian, archaeologist, project and communications manager of cultural initiatives.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Tim Hordiienko
First year archaeology KNU, photographer, photogrammetry specialist
Kyiv, Ukraine

Daria Hemberzhevska
Student of the Master`s degree in Archaeology at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, illustrator, Divemaster.
Mykolayiv, Ukraine

Semen Prokopenko
Senior engineer in PH "Akademperiodyka" of NAS of Ukraine, teacher in "Maibutni" democratic school, archaeological expeditions volunteer, PhD student in history, ZNU

Danylo Konovalov
Archeological excavations volunteer, photogrammetry specialist and 3D model maker in Аrchаic team
Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Yaroslav Chentsov
PhD student of Faculty of History and Philosophy at Odesa Mechnikov National University. Archaeologist, librarian at Odesa National Scientific Library.
Odesa, Ukraine

Yevhenii Pohribnyi
Volunteer in Archaeological Expeditions.Engaged in photogrammetry and 3D modeling as part of the Archaic team
Kyiv, Ukraine

Yurii Chernata
Archeologist, translator, currently in military service
Kyiv, Ukraine